Friday, April 25, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

We have had beautiful weather the last couple of weeks! We could not resist taking advantage of it and going outside to play. Jason has taken up fly fishing with some of the guys at our church and Rowen and I decided to go to the park and watch Daddy fish. Rowen was looking so cute, I couldn't resist taking pictures!

~Jason and our friend Chip fly fishing~

~That is one good lookin' fisherman!!!~

~Rowen enjoying the park!~

~That's our girl!~

~When I am getting ready in the morning, Rowen likes to come in the bathroom and watch me. She loves to play with her brush and comb!~

~Bathtime is one of Rowen's favorite things to do. She loves to lay on her belly and kick and splay her little feet. She is going to love it when we go to Florida in a month!~


The Arnold Family said...

I need to get my hands on that little munchkin again soon! We miss you guys and can't wait to see you...after we both get back from the sunshine state! xoox

MommyB said...

Hey guys, it's Jenn (Carl) your daughter is so beautiful. How've you all been. Feel free to email me, I'd love to catch up.

Anonymous said...

actually it is really hot tounge the bumhole while you gently slip a finger in herpussy, she will kick like crazy they love having it fingered, done lots of them and never found one that didn't love it